*Home Page
KAPOW is a loosely-knit organization; anyone who is willing to follow the Mission Statement and has an open mind is welcome. KAPOW is strictly non-discriminatory. No-one will be refused membership based on race, gender, sexual preference, financial status, belief system (or lack thereof) or physical limitations. Below are some questions and answers about KAPOW membership.

Who can join?
Anyone with an open mind is welcome to come. Everyone, whether they are Pagan or Wiccan, or not, is welcome.
Why should I join?
"We are a Circle, within a Circle, with no beginning and never ending..." --Pagan chant.

Part of KAPOW's function is to promote solidarity within the Pagan and Wiccan Community in and around Knoxville. Building and maintaining Community includes you, your friends, and people you do not know.

Any organization, no matter how well structured, is nothing without the Community that supports it. Building a sense of family, friendship, and belonging between Pagans and Wiccans helps us to recognize the divinity inherent within every person. Everyone is connected with the Divine, and, therefore, with everyone else.

How much does it cost?
There is currently no fee to join KAPOW. We ask that all who are interested to contact a member of the Steering Committee to find out what events are occurring.
How can I keep in touch with KAPOW?

KAPOW offers free web-based email addresses, You can sign up for your own account here. There are also plans for a KAPOW mailing list to discuss topics pertinent to KAPOW.